Monday 2 April, 2007

Vanhoozer, Wolterstorff and Merlin Jones

It was the month of March. I was in a boxing ring. The fight had been arranged by the faculties of SAIACS, Nigel being the main contributor. I, a thin and lanky man, was to fight against two heavyweight champions - Kevin Vanhoozer and Nicholas Wolterstorff. It was like a newcomer having his first match against the team of Tyson and Holifield together.

Wolterstorff looked a bit feeble, so I took up on him first. I was proved wrong. He was the champion of Divine Discourse. His heaviest blows were the noematic content, designative content and the illocutionary stance. I did not back off easily. The first battle resulted in a draw.

Before I enter in the ring for the second time, Nigel had roped in a coach for me, Merlin Jones. He was a thin man too. He asked me to focus upon Vanhoozer first. Vanhoozer had come up with a title - Is There A Meaning In This Text? Jones had expertized over Vanhoozer's moves. He shared me the stories of Vanhoozer's vehement attacks on Jacques Derrida and Stanley Fish. I had definitely begun to appreciate Vanhoozer for that. Finally, the day for fight arrived. Vanhoozer was not easy opponent, but with Merlin's shrewd tactics I fought him back. The match was over and I was declared winner.

Now I had to look forward to the next fight, with Wolterstorff. This time, my coach Jones, gave me more freedom to do self-study of Wolterstorff's moves and prepare myself accordingly. Last fight had given me some confidence. I took time to understand the blows that I had received last time. The day to show up came. There were eight eager spectators, who were also boxing champs, seated around the ring. The match began. Blow after blow, the battle was getting violent and bloody. It lasted for a little more than twenty minutes. At the end of the match, I received some complements which worked as medicine to my bleeding nose. Finally, the moment of glory- yes, I was declared winner again. The joy was unspeakable.

So this was the module of March- Theological Hermeneutics. Vanhoozer and Wolterstorff came up with heavy philosophical concepts and vocabulary, and my knees did rattle. Thanks to the coach, Merlin Jones. He did put lot of effort to motivate and prepare me for the battle. And yes, thanks to Nigel for roping him in. I think, my classmates, also the spectators of my matches, would have no great disagreement with what I said.

1 comment:

Ashish said...

Hey Charles ... I thoroughly enjoyed this commentary ... I would be looking forward to have some tips from you ... Keep writing